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Roblox - The Best Gaming Platform Can Turn Your Kids To A Successful Game Developer

In all probability, you have never heard of Roblox. There is nothing to be ashamed of: we ourselves, in writing, have carefully ignored it for years. And yet, Roblox attracts millions of people every month. Or more precisely millions of children and adolescents. Before you knock out numbers (no worries, it will come), it may be necessary to explain what this thing is. Roblox , which has been around since 2006 (but has only really grown for two years), is not a game in itself, but a platform for creating and distributing games intended primarily for minors. Everyone, once registered, can freely play what they like and create their own titles (Roblox uses LUA, a relatively simple programming language and used everywhere, especially in the CryEngine and countless games created by professionals ). To access it, simply go to the dedicated website and install an extension for its browser or download a mobile application, Oculus Rift software or, for masochists, a Windows 10 application.